ES1! SNP 500 Index - 01-19-23

Waiting for the bottom of the correction at 3890-3860.

Analysis of the S&P 500 (ES1!) index 01.19.23 What’s on the market now: Today index S&P500, (ES1!) is trading at 3916. Yesterday at the beginning of the day we saw the last attempt to increase the index which was broken.

Last upside attempt to 4160 before minor correction.

Analysis of the S&P 500 (ES1!) index 01.18.23 What’s on the market now: Today index S&P500, (ES1!) is trading at 4017. Yesterday we saw sideways movement in the market. The market is currently in a bullish phase which I expect

Expect minor correction with local bottom at 3900-3930.

Analysis of the S&P 500 (ES1!) index 01.13.23 What’s on the market now: Today index S&P500, (ES1!) is trading at 3963. Yesterday was a very interesting day at the market. This day changed some plans. At the beginning of the

Daily Professional Analysis of the S&P 500 Index.