ES1! SNP 500 Index 2-22-2023

Buyers fled, аn attempt to rise to the level of 4045.

SP500 Technical Analysis ES1! futures S&P 500 Index 2-22-23 What’s on the market now: Today the S&P500 (ES1!) is trading at 4000. Yesterday in the market we saw the fall of the index that I mentioned earlier. The index reached
ES1! SNP 500 Index 2-21-2023

Few buyers in the market, waiting for the bottom 4026-4002

SP500 Technical Analysis ES1! futures S&P 500 Index 2-21-23 What’s on the market now: Today the S&P500 (ES1!) is trading at 4063. There was little activity in the market yesterday, but today this is all about to change. The market
ES1! SNP 500 Index 2-20-2023

I expect the bottom of the current correction at 4025-4007

SP500 Technical Analysis ES1! futures S&P 500 Index 2-20-23 What’s on the market now: Today the S&P500 (ES1!) is trading at 4080.  Last Friday we saw the market stabilize that I mentioned earlier. On a global scale, the market remained
ES1! SNP 500 Index 2-17-2023

On the way to the bottom 4030-4015.

SP500 Technical Analysis ES1! futures S&P 500 Index 2-17-23 What’s on the market now: Today the S&P500 (ES1!) is trading at 4172. The market was very interesting yesterday. As I mentioned earlier, the day started with a decline, however, early